How did you fall into becoming a breath work facilitator?
I had been introduced to breathwork from a long time therapist in 2012 and magically found myself at Michael Brian Baker's workshop and knew from that moment that sharing the power of breath was my work and service.
Could you please explain what breath work is?
Breathwork is a powerful ancient healing modality used to release stress, tension, stuck energy in the physical, emotional, and spirit bodies. The style that I teach is done as an active meditation while lying down and is incredibly transformational.
You recently moved from the city to the countryside, what are some of the perks of living in nature?
Everything! I am a lot more calm. Waking up to the sound of birds vs the sound of cars has centered my nervous system in a way I didn't know possible. I am able to slow down a lot more and use my hours more productively and wisely. I feel like I am in a time vortex out here, I have so much more time then I ever had before. I get to connect to the natural world every day so I don't crave it the way I used to or get short circuited from overstimulation.
What are some of the core values you believe are important to live by?
I've been working with the four agreements, which, I find an incredible tool to live my life by. Showing up in integrity, responsibility, courage, and service are of great importance to me. At my core is the choice to show up for others to help the whole of humanity, which in turn helps the whole of the planet. Living as simply as possibly and remembering I need a lot less than I think I do is a beautiful reminder and lesson, as well.
What obstacles have you overcome to get where you are?
I feel a lot of gratitude for my obstacles because they created my desire to guide others to feel connected and embodied.. Both my parents struggled with drug addiction when I was growing up, so I spent some time with each of them in that space, which was not so pretty at certain points and subsequently, I bounced around a lot to different family members and friends. I feel because of those times I developed some challenging dis-ease in my body, which was diagnosed as depression, anxiety, etc., etc... and spent most of my college years trying to rearrange and process things more gently in my body. It hasn't been the easiest path, but it has taught me how to deeply love myself.
Tell me one Blake fun fact?
I am going to be a singer in a rock band when I grow up and shred on the electric guitar.
What type of people are you drawn to?
All things weird, I like to call them weirdys.
What book should I read next?
"Women Who Run with Wolves," it is important.
What has been your best investment?
My keyboard, I love being able to make sounds and music and sing to anything sing-songy.
I would imagine helping people through emotional trauma could be exhausting. What are some of the things you do to keep your batteries charged?
It is only exhausting if I am trying to use my own energy and power. I am in the process of learning how to channel and bring through source, which is infinite. To care for myself, I take salt baths to soak and cleanse. I use a lot of essential oil sprays, palo santo, sage. I work with all kinds of plants (tea, tinctures, herbs), plants are conscious beings put on this planet to guide and help us on our journey. I also work with guides, specifically the animal realm: hawks, crows, deer, bee, spider. And other spirit guides and ask them to help and assist me in my work and to bring forth what is most necessary and needed for the person I am working with.
What is one talent or strength of yours, which has been critical to your success?
I think my ability to relate to others has really helped me create a thriving and regenerative practice.
What are the most important lessons you have learned so far, in your career or life journey? This could be anything from very simple small lessons, too much larger bigger lessons.
Gratitude and creativity are the quickest ways to connect to source. Nature is medicine. Community and support is medicine. ALSO I am a magical cosmic being having a human experience AND this work I share is not about me, I am actually and quite literally doing nothing but witnessing. So to sum it up, the lesson of using magic in the most humble way.