HI all meet @kari924 She moved out to California from New Jersey and has never looked back. She is a yoga instructor and half of @beatsbalanceflow. Get to know her better this week as we talk about life, Yoga and not being polite.
When you think of the word successful, who is the first person who comes to mind?
My dad. I don't measure success by monetary value or net worth. To me, success is creating a community of people who love and support each other because they are seen and heard. My dad was the amplification of this.
What is the worst advice you see or hear being dispensed in your world?
Lock your knee. Haha. Bikram yogis should get that! But if you're not sure, go look up hyperextension vs. engagement of the quad and knee cap and the muscles that surround it, and then call me later.
How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?
Failure is just a word prescribed by societal standards that has a negative connotation attached to it. For me, it's all about experience. Every moment in my life is treated as a possibility for growth, especially and specifically the experiences that could be conceived as failure. Those are the truest opportunities for transformation. Beyond that, how I implement and download the information from those moments and experiences is how I set myself up for success when a similar situation or a new opportunity presents itself.
What is god?
Me. You. All of us. (short answer)
At some point in my life, I stepped away from organized religion. Even though Judaism gave me tremendous valuable lessons, rich in community and understanding, it also presented itself as fear-based. After many years of practicing and teaching Yoga, I continue to recognize this truth about religion in general and instead move from within. In other words, religion is something to believe in. But I would argue that everything I need is already inside of me. I believe in myself. I am the God particle.
What have you changed your mind about in the last few years? Why?
Israel. Fuck. That's gonna get me in trouble. Oh well. I lived in Israel for a year when I was 16. I loved it. It was magical. Despite all the tangible terror nearby, I always felt safe. The beaches were incredible, the culture was rich in food and spirit, people loved to party, and I fit right in. More than that, it opened my eyes to a world of possibilities at a really young age. But looking back on my religious upbringing and deep involvement in the Jewish community, I realize that many of the concepts, philosophies, and history of this battled land are often taught from a one-sided perspective that is usually politically charged in favor of that one side.
What do you believe is true, even though you can’t prove it?
My dad sits with me in my meditation.
What have you learned from practicing yoga?
Conscious breathing. I am powerful. I am enough.
What have you learned from teaching yoga?
It's not gonna look how you think it's supposed to look.
What’s your favorite quote?
The master has failed more than the beginner has ever tried.
Mantra of the moment...
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha. (loosely translated) Let go of that which holds me from freedom. Bless me with compassion and grace.
Please tell me one Kari fun fact....
I love to curse while teaching. Shit. Fuck. Asshole. Anything will do.
What is good?
Miyokos Vegan cheese for starters! My nieces and nephews. Cali bud. Yoga. Bernie Sanders. Beats Balance Flow retreat to Bali in April. Shameless plugging.
What qualities do all your friends have in common?
They love me! Joking aside, the company I keep have a common thread of individuality. My friends know exactly who they are, which is why I think we vibe so well.
What’s your secret talent?
Skilled at waxing my own eyebrows. And others. DM for appointments.
What’s the most anxiety-inducing thing you do on a regular basis?
Building a new yoga sequence to new music and teaching it publicly while working out the kinks. Even though I enjoy practicing the same sequences over and over until it's drilled in, many people do not enjoy repetition, so I like to switch it up and keep people interested and excited about practicing with me. Even then, I often wonder, are they bored? Do they want something different? Do I say the same things too much? Now that I'm talking about it, I guess teaching yoga in general is a little anxious-driven. I just channel that energy into how I deliver the information and impactfully share it with my students.
What life skills are rarely taught but extremely useful?
How to communicate effectively, in a clear and non-blaming way.
What’s the worst thing you’ve eaten out of politeness?
Nothing. I do what I want. I'm not polite. Ask my mom.
What’s about to get much better?
My tan. LA summer on deck. I love when July rolls around and the sun finally comes out until Christmas.